The Sundarban has the remaining paradise on Earth. Usually tourists come to the forest with a long nourished dream to see the Royal Bengal Tiger.This is the only Mangrove forest in the world. Sundarbans lies in the south-western part of Bangladesh, in the district Khulna.
Bangladesh ,beautyful country in the world,small country,river in bangladesh

The Sundarbans is a cluster of islands with an approximate area of 6000 sq. km. forming the largest block of littoral forests. It's beauty lies in its unique natural surrounding. Thousands of meandering streams, creeks, rivers and estuaries have enhanced its charm. Forest is the natural habital of the world famous Royal Bengal Tiger, deer, crocodiles, jungle fowl, wild boar, lizards, monkey and an variety of beautiful birds.
the sportsmen, the anglers and the photographers ,holiday makers who desire to rest or wander around at will to refresh their mind and feast their eyes with the rich treasure that nature has so fondly bestowed all come in the Sundarbans.
the sportsmen, the anglers and the photographers ,holiday makers who desire to rest or wander around at will to refresh their mind and feast their eyes with the rich treasure that nature has so fondly bestowed all come in the Sundarbans.